Vista TA Blog 10-24-16

We had a lovely day in Gibraltar. We found a great excursion, reasonably priced that took us thru the old city, out to Europa Point where we were able to see 2 continents, Africa and Europe and 3 countries, Morocco, Spain and Gilbraltar.
We were treated to a huge natural cave insided the great Rock of Gilbraltar, interestingly, Gilbraltar has 54 kilometers of roads in its 6 square mile country, and 34 of those kilometers are inside the Rock itself.
Next we traveled to what is called the “line” which is a narrow tunnel hand dug by 13 men who mangaged to dig 82 feet of granite for placement of cannons during the late 1700’s. A truly amazing feat of human engineering as they were digging without accuate mapping to be sure they were digging close enough to the rock face to place the cannons during the Spanish invasion of Gilbraltar.
It really is more than an insurance company logo.
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